All Posts From A-Z
- 52 Frames (April 2021)
- 52 Frames (April 2022)
- 52 Frames (August 2021)
- 52 Frames (August 2022)
- 52 Frames (December 2021)
- 52 Frames (February 2021)
- 52 Frames (February 2022)
- 52 Frames (January 2021)
- 52 Frames (January 2022)
- 52 Frames (July 2021)
- 52 Frames (July 2022)
- 52 Frames (June 2021)
- 52 Frames (June 2022)
- 52 Frames (March 2021)
- 52 Frames (March 2022)
- 52 Frames (May 2021)
- 52 Frames (May 2022)
- 52 Frames (November 2021)
- 52 Frames (November 2022)
- 52 Frames (October 2021)
- 52 Frames (October 2022)
- 52 Frames (September 2021)
- 52 Frames (September 2022)
- A 2023 Autumnal Odyssey
- A Belated Taste of Summer(fest) in Milwaukee
- A Brief Moment of Belief
- A Brief Note
- A Few Horny Elk at Yellowstone
- A Great Day at Wells Gray!
- A Jaunt to Japser
- A Lazy Day of Mountain Hiking at Sheep Mountain, WY
- A Look Back at April 2023
- A Mild Case of COVID-19
- A New Year in Türkiye
- A Peaceful Morning at Eau Galle, Wisconsin
- A Side Trip to Lebanon
- A Soggy Start
- A Soggy Walk Up A Dirty, Harry Trail
- A Sojurn on Maui (May/June 2021)
- A Spectacular 12-Mile Loop at Prairie Creek State Park
- A Taste of Paradise at Mt. Rainier National Park
- A Walk Down The King's Highway (2021)
- A Walk to the Woods
- A Weekend 'Round Mt. St. Helens
- A Working Holiday?
- Abandoned Factory
- Alleghany Mennonite Meetinghouse
- Alleghenyville, Pennsylvania
- Along the Way to Kagan Bay
- Amtrak Cascades
- An Aborted Trip Through A Swampy Forest, or Face-To-Face With A Porcupine
- An Idaho Welcome
- Ancient Lakes
- Annette Lake At Last!
- Anticipation
- Appalachian Trail: Caledonia Park to Old Forge Road
- As Soon As You Complain...
- Bad Internet in Bad Aachen
- Badlands National Park
- Basque-ing in Boise
- Batu Caves
- Bear's Lodge & Bighorns: a Long Day (& a Long Drive) in Northeast Wyoming
- Big Bunny
- Birds, a Broken Arrow, and a Bed of Fossils in the Bulkley Valley
- Black And White Christmas
- Box Turtle
- Box Turtle (II)
- Bumpass Hell
- Called to the Sunset
- Common Milkweed
- Confluence (2018)
- Corn, Cheese Curds, and Sacred Stones
- Corporate Espionage (Music Video)
- Crow's Nest Preserve
- Damascus Papers at Seattle Arab Festival, August 14th 2022
- Dead-End Detour
- December 2022
- Deception Tulip!
- Deer
- Descent Into The Valley of the Gnomes
- Disappointment and Celebration
- Donate To Earthquake Relief in Turkey & Syria
- Duck Around & Find Out
- Dumb Travel Planning
- Dune It Again: A Visit to Bruneau Dunes State Park
- Dune It Up! Visiting Mt. Baldy
- Either/Or (Book Review)
- Elote Under The 7 Train, or My New York City Dream
- Email List Migration!
- Ephrata-Warwick Trail
- Eurovision 2020 vs. 2021: Battle of the Songs
- Eurovision 2020: First Impressions
- Eurovision 2021: First Impressions
- Eurovision 2021: Live Blog
- Eurovision 2022: First Impressions (feat. Chelsea)
- Eurovision 2023: First Impressions (feat. Chelsea & Brit)
- Eurovision 2024: First Impressions (feat. Chelsea)
- Eurovision 2025: First Impressions (Feat. Chelsea)
- Evans City Cemetary & (Pittsburgh Stop)
- Fagan's Cross
- Fallingwater
- Feeling Lake 22
- Flub-A-Dub-Chub, or the Hunt for a Candle Lighter in Chicago
- Flycatcher Fervor & Westward Wanderlust
- For My Readers
- Fremont Solstice Parade (2023)
- Frog Song
- From Margaret's Way To Debbie's View
- From Smoke to Snow
- Frosty Franklin Falls
- Garfield Ledge
- Geigertown Central Railroad Museum
- Ghent (2018)
- Goodbye, Capitol Hill!
- Grand Teton; Poor Tires
- Grasshopper
- Green Hills Preserve
- Growth and Decay
- Hana
- Happy New Year!
- Haystacks, Milkshakes, Erosion
- Hello, World
- Heron, Etc. at the Portage Lakefront & Riverwalk
- Hidden Bunny
- How I Generate Maps on My Static Site With OpenLayers and Zola
- How to Liveblog on a Static Site, Or: A Thoughtless Kludge
- Hummingbird Salamander (Book Review)
- I Visited The NYC Christmas Lights THAT Paul McCartney LOVED
- In Bloom
- In Health And In Sickness
- In Love in Tbilisi (or Maybe Just Drunk)
- In the Beginning...
- In the Land of the Nisg̱a’a (On the Wrong Day of the Week)
- Indigo Bunting & Friends
- Is October the Optimal Time to Visit Outdoor Gardens in the Pacific Northwest? (2019)
- Island: Years of Anticipation and a Review of Music
- James Buchanan's Birthplace
- James Buchanan's Wheatland
- Joie de Vivre
- July 2023 in Review
- July 4th at Paradise
- Labor Day Weekend at Osoyoos
- Left Tailrace
- Little Si
- Looping Lake Quinault
- Lost Time, And Starting to Make Up For It
- Lots of Lakes; Waterways and Sunshine
- Low-Flying Hawks and the Onset of Winter
- Lunar Landscapes and Lava Caves of Idaho
- Magnificent Morning, Nondescript Night
- Mahood Lake & The May Long
- Mammoth Hot Springs, West Thumb, and Goodbye to Yellowstone!
- March 2023 in Review
- May Valley Loop to Central Peak & Bullit Fireplace
- Memories of Last Year's Flowers
- Minor Improvements
- Mirth in Maastricht (2018)
- More Afloat Than Not
- Mount Davis: Pennsylvania's Highest Point
- My 11-hour 16.7 mile Haleakala Crater Hike
- My First Frames with a Soviet Medium Format Film Camera
- My First Hike of 2023
- My First Visit to Vancouver, B.C. (2018)
- My Little July Weekend at Olympic National Park (2019)
- My Thoughts on a Few More 2021 Reads
- NYC Part One: Your Mother In Law
- NYC Part Two: A Saga of Fire & Brass
- Nebraska's Toadstool Geological Park
- Oh, What a Beautiful Place! / For a Military Base... 🎵
- Ohiopyle State Park
- Old Faithful, Fairy Falls, and More of Yellowstone
- Old Logger's Path
- Olympus Test and Wow: A Weekend in Portland, Oregon with the Olympus 25mm f/1.2 Pro Lens
- Olympus Test and Wow: Four Days With The 300mm f/4 Lens
- On Two Months In Seattle (or Balancing the Light and the Darkness)
- Over A Few Clouds
- Prince George Act I: Of Birds & Christ
- Prince George Act II: Teapot Mountain
- Prince George Act III: The Central B.C. Railway and Forestry Museum
- Prince George Act IV: Good Eats
- Rearguard Falls & Chun T'oh Whudujut Ancient Forest
- Return to Normalcy, or A Visit To The Warren G. Harding Home
- Say Hello To the Acid Ball Eco Earth
- September 2023 in Review
- Sheepshead Bay
- Shooting Svema 64 at Dusk
- Shooting a Roll of Film Washi A
- Shopping Malls and Frustration in Kamloops
- Site Updates & Future Content
- Six Penny Trail
- Snoqualmie Falls
- Snow, Sunshine, & The Year of the Rabbit
- Some COVID-19 thoughts
- Star-Crossed Lovers in NYC
- Stewart, B.C. and Hyder, Alaska: Twin Towns at a Highway's End
- Taking the Chirico Trail to Poo Poo Point
- Text Messages from Motel 6 (😭)
- That One Overnight Hike I Did With My Mom
- The Battle Bluff Trail & A Less Frustrating Day in Kamloops
- The Boy Scout Tree Trail & Onward to Oregon
- The Buckeye State
- The First Robin of Spring
- The Goatibex Constellation (Book Review)
- The Helmcken Falls Rim Trail (A Great Day's Conclusion)
- The Many Murals of Toppenish, Washington (& An End To Many Days' Wandering)
- The One Trail I Hike With Colleagues
- The Only Place I Want To Be...
- The Orchid Gardens of Singapore (2023)
- The Orphanage by Serhiy Zhadan (Book Review)
- The Reading Pagoda
- The Rest of the Books I Finished Last Year
- The Ricoh 35 ZF: A $5 Film Camera Find
- The Road to Hana
- The Road to Robson
- The Shapes In The Sky Are Eagles
- The Sun, or Something, Arose
- The Touristic Black Hills of South Dakota, and a Few Attractions Therewithin
- The Trails at St. Peter's Village
- The Turtle Trail (French Creek State Park)
- This Sacred Border (Music Video)
- Three Books on Haida Gwaii
- To Whitefish And Back Again
- Torpid in Terrace
- Tow Hill Loop
- Towards Lighter Weight Youtube Embeds
- Towards the Beautiful Islands
- Turkey Vulture
- Twin Cities, Thousand Lakes
- Two Books on Uzbekistan
- Vague Promises About Future Where-Is-Steve Content
- Valley Forge: A Winter of Misery?
- Visiting Viretta Park
- Waimoku Falls & the Pipiwai Trail
- Waiʻānapanapa State Park & the Piʻilani Trail
- Water + Gravity = ?
- Wednesday Web Round-up (December 18, 2019)
- West Tiger #3
- What I've Learned In Six Years of Coffee Drinking
- Why You Hate the Upper West Side
- Wild Berries
- Wishing & Wandering
- Wither 52 Frames?