Feeling Lake 22

✍️ 🕑 • Tags: waterfallssnowy hikes • Places: Lake 22

The day was March, 26th 2023. Avalanche risk was low. I decided to try to squeeze in one last hike.

I knew that I’d soon be off to New York, and/or have other plans taking up most of my weekend days, and I figured it was a good chance for me to get out, hit a popular trail while it was hopefully less crowded, and give my fancy new boots a good workout.

Do note that this trail is very avalanche prone in the winter, and if you are heading out when I did, you should check the avalanche forecast at NWAC and be sure to watch for warning signs.

I hadn’t made my way up towards Mt. Pilchuck and the Glacier Loop Highway yet, and I was delighted to get the smallest glimpses of what I was missing out on.

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Lake 22 is protected by the Lake 22 Natural Area, home to hemlocks and beautiful trees. The initial ascent took me through some magical forest, and also had some washouts.

Trail Information
Name Lake 22
Type out and back
Location Mt. Baker-Snoqualmie National Forest
State WA
Miles 5.4
Check out the trails index for information on more trails!

As I hiked along the trail, numerous other peaks were visible in the distance.

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Unfortunately, numerous other hikers were visible near me. Many were in large groups, without much in the way of traction on their footwear. I did not relish the many times I stepped aside into deep snowbanks to await their passage.

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At the end of the trail, the lake itself is beautiful. The trail technically goes around the lake, but with all of the (rapidly) melting snow and ice, I thought it was best to remain at the first vista point. I did not want to cross a weak snow bridge and fall, especially while I was hiking by myself.

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As I headed back to the parking lot, golden hour was upon me, and the mist in the distance had cleared up, affording me better views of the mountains.

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And back past the rumbling creeks and waterfalls.

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I returned to my car, now alone in the snowy parking lot, satisfied with how I spent my afternoon.

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