Annette Lake At Last!

✍️ 🕑 • Tags: lakeswaterfallssnowy hikesice • Places: Annette Lake

As befits a post with “At Last!” in the title, I’m actually writing about a hike I did last November. Yay

Back when I was discussing where to go backpacking with mom, the trail to Annette Lake was a real contender. The problem was, the trail closed for renovations/reconstruction a few days before we planned to go backpacking. And, it didn’t re-open until late November…

When I returned to Washington State from my journey to Suriname, I was surprised to find that the skies were clear. There was an unusual, week long stretch of no rain. It was so uncharacteristic of the wet, foggy Washington winter I was expecting. Naturally, I wanted to go for a hike. Seeing as the trail to Annette Lake had recently reopened it seemed like a fun choice.

It was a clear, sunny afternoon -- this is just the view from the trailhead.
It was a clear, sunny afternoon -- this is just the view from the trailhead. open_in_full   info

Trail Information
Name Annette Lake Trail
Type out and back
Location Mt. Baker-Snoqualmie National Forest
State Washington
Miles 4.15
Total_miles 8.29
Check out the trails index for information on more trails!

Very early in the trail is a gorgeous waterfall and a serene brook. We did not linger here long, but I enjoyed it.

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Image On Where-Is-Steve
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It did not take long for the hazards of late November hiking to become apparent. The trail was covered with snow, which was occasionally a tad slippery due to the ice underneath it. Fortunately, enough hikers had already headed up the trail that the path was quite compacted and easy to follow. There was no post-holing to be done.

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Image On Where-Is-Steve
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Image On Where-Is-Steve
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The newly renovated trail features a lot of staircases, which did help with the climb, and probably made this easier to traverse. I only used my microspikes on the way down.

Chelsea ascending a 'staircase'
Chelsea ascending a 'staircase' open_in_full   info

The staircases are there because of the elevation gain: 2,374 ft.

As the ascent continues, snowy mountaintops become visible through the trees.

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Image On Where-Is-Steve
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Image On Where-Is-Steve
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At last, at the lake, you’re rewarded for your hard work, and for the distance and climb it takes to get here. We hung out for a bit and I snapped some photos and enjoyed some snacks.

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Image On Where-Is-Steve
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Image On Where-Is-Steve
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Image On Where-Is-Steve
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Me chillin by the lake -- Photo Credit: Chelsea
Me chillin by the lake -- Photo Credit: Chelsea open_in_full 
Chelsea and I chillin by the lake -- Photo Credit: Chelsea
Chelsea and I chillin by the lake -- Photo Credit: Chelsea open_in_full 

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Then, the return.

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Image On Where-Is-Steve
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Image On Where-Is-Steve
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Image On Where-Is-Steve
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