Joie de Vivre

✍️ 🕑 Mid-to-late February • Series: Steve in Seattle • Tags: black and white photography

Image On Where-Is-Steve

I think you can imagine the elation and joy I felt when after spending nearly two weeks quarantining in my apartment, I was suddenly able to be in the outside world again.

And so, I felt as though I was seeing my surroundings with fresh eyes again. The city was having moments of glorious sunshine in between fits of drizzliness. The temperature was rising, flowers were blooming. And fate compelled me to check out one of the city’s most popular tourist attractions when I was looking at replacing my increasingly scratched glasses. (Yes, that’s what two years of wiping condensation with my shirt when I entered an indoor space with a mask did to ’em.)

A different perspective of the mural seen in Week 5 of this year's 52 Frames
A different perspective of the mural seen in Week 5 of this year's 52 Frames

Besides this, of course, I’ve gotten sundry joys from birding and going on a few recent hikes, but those have (or shortly will have) their own posts.

This is my photographic perspective from various corners of the city. If things seem weird… it probably means that I’m experimenting.

No more words, just images.

Image On Where-Is-Steve
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Image On Where-Is-Steve
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Image On Where-Is-Steve
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Image On Where-Is-Steve
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Image On Where-Is-Steve
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Image On Where-Is-Steve
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Image On Where-Is-Steve
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Image On Where-Is-Steve
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Image On Where-Is-Steve
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Image On Where-Is-Steve
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Image On Where-Is-Steve
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Image On Where-Is-Steve
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Image On Where-Is-Steve
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Image On Where-Is-Steve
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Image On Where-Is-Steve
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Image On Where-Is-Steve
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