The Turtle Trail (French Creek State Park)

• Series: Attractions of Pennsylvania • Tags: trails of pahikingState/Provincial ParksFrench Creek State ParkHopewell Big Woods

Fall overtook Summer, leaves began falling, and the amount of light in a day started its decrease.

A typical view along the trail, closer to sundown. Any other photos I have are very similar to this one.
A typical view along the trail, closer to sundown. Any other photos I have are very similar to this one.
Trail Information
Name Turtle Trail
Type loop
Location French Creek State Park
State PA
Country USA
Miles 4
Difficulty easy
Check out the trails index for information on more trails!

The last one of these facts was a little bit of a concern for me, as I slipped out to hike the Turtle Trail at French Creek State Park on a Wednesday evening in late September.

I started hiking after work around 5:30PM or so, meaning that I had until sundown to finish, which was definitely doable.

It’s roughly a four mile loop, though there are folks on the internet who claimed that they hiked it and it was eight miles long!

It turns out, the trail really is a four mile loop. It’s well-marked, and I really can’t fathom how people would hike here and make these claims. Maybe they got lost or have really inaccurate fitness tracking devices?

The trail was popular with cyclists & dog walkers, and no one else. This is understandable, because it is not particularly scenic and lacks basically any features worth describing, but is easy to access and is not too challenging for those uses. Simply put, it’s an alright trail.

Thanks for reading!

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