52 Frames (October 2021)

✍️ 🕑 October 2021 • Series: 52 Frames

Another month has whooshed by. During October, lots of things happened.

And heck, the same is true of the preceding months as well.

I’m in progress adding yet more pointless website features and also editing a music video, so one of these days I will eventually update this blog for reasons other than a perfunctory post about my 52 Frames photos.

Until then, I hope you’re ready for FIVE pictures from the last FIVE weeks out here in the PNDubs.

40. Dreamscape

I was taking a lovely walk around Volunteer Park, on a cloudy day, when I encountered numerous crows. I had hoped to get a poetic image of a number of them in flight, which might constitute a “dreamscape” or at least, a cool shot. This is the closest I got.

52 Frames

41. High Key

This was a tricky one for me, so I half-assed it. For those not in the know (including myself, mere moments before taking the following photo), high key means “high contrast, brightly lit photographs usually with a lack of shadows or background detail.”

I stuck a cup on a table, turned the lights on, messed with the contrast curves in camera, and said, eh, close enough.

52 Frames

42. Low Key

The challenge for this week was the opposite of last week’s. The requirement was for darkness instead of light.

I had a lot of fun walking around with a close-focusing lens, taking blurry bad photos of moss and such. I had hoped the atmospheric conditions would look like they did when I took that dreamscape photo, but unfortunately, it was a sunny, beautiful day with a spectacular blue sky.

I took this photo of a lychee tree in the neighborhood, which also provided the shadows, and messed around with the contrast curves in camera.

52 Frames

43. Walls

Majestic, isn’t it?

52 Frames

This building is super close to my apartment, and it had been really catching my eye when I was thinking about this week’s theme. Of course, I haven’t been in the habit of carrying my camera with me on the way to work, so I procrastinated on actually photographing it until Sunday morning, by which time I was getting rained on.

I like this shot, because I think there’s a decent leading line from the steps to the door, “leading you into the building.” The cost of this, of course, is that we lose a bit of the top of the building, but I think this is the most compelling framing I quickly threw together.

44. Shot on a Phone

52 Frames

This is the view from the last bus stop in Redmond, WA. An overwhelming set of leading lines, cranes, lights, cones, and signage. Ostensibly, my focus is the hitchhiking prohibited sign, or the roads.

This one is probably too cluttered, but I think it represents the place well.

In terms of the phone, here we are exposing more of the iPhone’s weaknesses than we did when we used it last month. The lower light level brought out increased graniness.

Onto November (and the election), folks!

Thanks for reading!

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