A Brief Note

site updates

Apologies for the radio silence and missed Photo of the Week posts.

You’ll find a few updates making their way on to the web in the coming days, which are part of a new series describing some local sights in Pennsylvania, my beautiful home state. There will be plenty of pictures.

I’ve had access to a car, so it is certainly more varied scenery.

Additionally, I have pushed some changes that make some minor tweaks to the site. They’re not 100% tested, and they’re pretty minor.

Probably the most notable change is that posts now have a link to “Leave Feedback” at the very bottom. (Note that this is only visible on a post’s individual page, and not on the main blog.)

I consider it my Web 1.0 way of getting comments.

Stay tuned for further developments and thanks again for reading!

Thanks for reading!

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