Taking the Chirico Trail to Poo Poo Point

On a Day When Nobody Was Jumping

✍️ 🕑 • Tags: Issaquah Foothills • Places: Poo Poo Point

The Issaquah Foothills, rebranded by boosters as the Issaquah Alps are the perfect, convenient getaway for a hike closer to Seattle.

They have numerous lovely trails that hit a sweet spot of not being too far, nor too strenuous. But many of them are, understandably, rather popular.

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One popular hiking destination is Poo Poo Point, a popular jumping spot for paragliders, famed for its lovely views.

Naturally, I went there on a cloudy December day when no one was jumping, but the misty atmosphere of the forest more than made the walk worthwhile.

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The trail is a nice, leisurely hike (at least, compared to others I’d done recently.) There and back was about four and a half miles, with 1,662 ft of elevation gain.

Trail Information
Name Chirico Trail
Type out and back
Location West Tiger Mountain Natural Resource Conservation Area
State WA
Miles 2.25
Total_miles 4.51
Check out the trails index for information on more trails!

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Along the way, I got to pass by where the paragliders land (with warnings to look up before you cross,) followed by some magnificent Pacific Northwest Forest.

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Partway up, there was a tree with Christmas lights on it. A strange, seasonal touch.

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Before the very top, there’s a clear area with a bench.

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When I reached the top, I wasn’t surprised that there wasn’t much of a view that day.

But, I wasn’t dissatisfied either. The same misty fog that ruined paragliders’ plans made the forest all the more magical.

This is about as clear as the view got.
This is about as clear as the view got. open_in_full   info

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And so, I descended, leaving the would be paragliders to continue hanging around in my absence.

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The only airborne mammal I saw that day.
The only airborne mammal I saw that day. open_in_full   info

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