The Trails at St. Peter's Village

✍️ 🕑 • Series: Attractions of Pennsylvania • Tags: trailsSt. Peters, PA • Places: St. Peters, PA

Near St. Peters Village.

I can remember walking around these woods as a child.

Admiring the rocks.

Trail Information
Name St. Peters Village Trails
Type trail system
Location St. Peters
State PA
Country USA
Miles N/A
Difficulty moderate
Check out the trails index for information on more trails!

Near St. Peters Village.
In town, there are decks for sunshine and summer days. Everywhere else has spraypaint borne of boredom and ennui.
Near St. Peters Village.
I’m returning to this place, shortly after a snow storm on the third day of the new year.

Geigertown Central Railroad Museum

✍️ 🕑 • Series: Attractions of Pennsylvania • Tags: museumstrains • Places: Geigertown

An old Reading Railroad train car.
An old Reading Railroad train car.

I imagine most people discover the Geigertown Central Railroad Museum the same way that I did, by driving down Geigertown Road and noticing a collection of train cars off to the side.

To explain why the trains are here, we should begin with local train enthusiast D. J. Shirey.
