Green Hills Preserve

• Series: Attractions of Pennsylvania • Tags: natlandstrails of pa • Places: Green Hills Preserve, PA

The Green Hills Preserve is not unlike the Crow’s Nest Preserve, except there’s more of it that I like. There are more hiking trails that are connected in a series of loops not unlike a big figure eight or two, and although there are portions that are still like walking through fields, I found those portions to be more enjoyable here than at Crow’s Nest.

Trail Information
Name Green Hills Preserve
Type trail system
Location Mohnton
State PA
Country USA
Miles 3
Difficulty very easy
Check out the trails index for information on more trails!

(My disclaimer here, of course, is that I think my photographs from Crow’s Nest were far better.)


The preserve has a number of vistas, which tend to either just be the view from the top of a hill, or the view from the top of a hill, through area that has been chopped away for large electrical poles. Some of these views are nice.


There’s a nice area in the middle with a creek, and even some small bridges and a gazebo, as well as the sorts of plantlife that grow around water.


The area is not far away from civilization at all, and there are a few houses near the preserve. Additionally, the preserve is near the Morgantown Expressway, and some traffic noise may be audible.


I lost my lens cap here, so if you should happen to visit, and you should happen to find a nice 58mm Olympus lens cap, it’s mine, and I’m deeply sorry that I left that round bit of plastic behind somewhere in the nature preserve.

Thanks for reading!

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