Alleghenyville, Pennsylvania
• Series: Attractions of Pennsylvania • Tags: small towns • Places: Alleghenyville

Alleghenyville is a census-designated place in Berks County Pennsylvania. It is near a historic Mennonite meeting house, which dates back to 1885, and is on the register of historic places. The town proper is also a short distance away from the popular Maple Grove Speedway.
The center of town is a relatively high-trafficked intersection in front of the Alleghenyville Church of Christ, which dates to 1767, meaning that the church predates the meetinghouse by nearly a century.
However, the original church building was made of logs and no longer stands. The current building dates back to only 1878. (Source: The Reading Eagle.)

There is a general store no longer in use, and farms, barns and older looking buildings in the area.

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